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  • pd052009
    04-11 11:33 AM
    How many votes do we have now ?
    As a member, you can get the latest count in http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/forum14-members-forum/1599353-want-to-file-485-when-pd-is-not-current-gather-here.html

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  • eeezzz
    07-17 09:16 PM
    Is it still going to follow the country quota(9700/year ?) even now they set you current and accept your I-485 ?
    If the answer is yes and if it is like wc_user said the approval will still be based on PD, then that will still be quite a long time to wait for your GC for many people here.

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  • snathan
    05-01 06:15 PM
    Hi IV senior members/Admin,

    How many people do we need to support this. Please guide what needs to be done once we have enough support.


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  • arav_m
    09-02 07:28 PM


    Congrats arav_m! Which Service Center?


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  • voicerj
    05-04 06:48 PM
    I had observed this last summer also that most of the CPO emails are received at night. In my opinion, it is probably due to the fact that they run these external communications as batch jobs at night, which is usually the case in any high volume corporate type IT systems.
    So guys, relax and check you emails at night :-)

    We will be happy if it will have more volume

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  • Michael chertoff
    05-04 07:11 PM
    Is there a system in place, for TSC ONLY, using which, an immigration attorney, who is an AILA member, can send an email, with LIN numbers (or A #, i am not sure which), to TSC, if the PD is current? Once this email is received, the system flags the case to be picked up by an IO?

    This system was put in place a couple of years ago, but I am not sure if it is still active, or if it is active, does TSC even bothers monitoring it.

    Thank you for the answer. I dont have any attorney. I did whole GC process by myself.



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  • Help_Us
    08-05 08:52 PM
    I thinkI got greened..

    On August 3, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

    During this step the formal decision (approved/denied) is written and the decision notice is mailed and/or emailed to the applicant/petitioner. You can use our current processing time to gauge when you can expect to receive a final decision.

    Not sure what ADIT and last paragraph mean... anyone with similar message..

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  • snthampi
    09-01 08:40 PM
    Alright guys, I cannot tell you how excited I am to report that i got a call this morning from my attorney and my online case status also states that Card Production was ordered for my case!!!

    After 8 long years.....i finally have been approved for permanent residency. After 7 years, i will finally, with peace of mind, go back to India to visit my family. Thanks to IV, everyone's help on these forums for helping me keep my sanity over the past 2 years....

    After 15 years in the US, I will finally have my green card in hand soon.


    Many congrats my friend. God bless you!!!


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  • anurakt
    01-18 04:04 PM
    I signed up yesterday!

    Good work! on the efforts to end this immigration nightmare.

    One quick suggestion: Use the video marketing on Youtube/Google to stress your message effectively. I feel the message is even more effective if some one speaks to you than typing a long reply on the thread.

    It's already done, please visit the home page.

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  • pmpforgc
    04-14 08:14 AM
    Permanent Resident Card
    The Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, is issued to all Permanent Residents as evidence of alien registration and their permanent status in the US. The card must be in your possession at all times. This requirement means that you are not only required to have a currently valid Form I-551 at all times, but also that you must carry your currently valid Form I-551 on your person at all times. The Permanent Resident Card currently is issued with a 10-year validity. You status as a Permanent Resident does not expire with the 10-year validity. Only the card expires. The card is only valid up to the expiration date and must be renewed before it expires.
    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=fe17e6b0eb13d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=4f719c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    This is good and healthhy discussion except for few who dont want to think beyond today's goal.

    As someone has listed already few advantages of citizenship.

    I would like to add that GC give you freedom in terms of the Emplyment and Residing in US. But it also has very strict criteria how you live in this country. You are no free with getting GC. Giving some points

    You need to carry your GC all times with you.

    You can be deported out of country if you dont report you forget to report your address changes.

    You can be deported out of country for very small crimes such as DWI, shplifting etc.

    Most of the states and federal govt dont emplyee non-citizens.

    Several goverment benefits are not available to non-citizens

    You can not be out of country for more than 6 months. And also not multiple time.

    You need to able to prove that you ahve permanent ties to this country all the time you travel outside. (irrespective of time frame)

    I am sure some other members can add lot to these points.

    So in nut shell GC and Citizenship are totally different.

    GC will just give you freedom from your employer. I am sure in long run you will also realize that your that freedom does not help you too much. May be a little bit if you are with consultant or IT field.

    There is no harm in thinking ahead and thinking about citizenship. Those who will be satified with GC, does not need to worry about this discussion as they are no more interested in this future benefit.

    Also there are lots of reasons that can be listed, why law makers will be interested in the advancing Citizenship benefit for HIGHLY SKILLED IMMIGRANT who is in the country for long time, has contributed to the Federal Taxes for five years, has good skills in STEM areas and has to suffer in comparision to Family based or marriage based applicants in terms of Citizenship. You can see recent advance of OPT for STEM graduates as small justifification for such hope.

    So lets continue this discussion, and comeup with good demand list and supporting justification , in terms of Citizenship benefit for highly skilled immigrants who get GC based on emplpoyment.


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  • gcisadawg
    03-22 12:15 PM
    The online status that we see currently on USCIS website can be improved to a great extent. $$$ spent to improve the system will be recouped in few years with savings elsewhere.

    Current status: The two primary ways the USCIS connects with its customers are USCIS online case status and monthly processing time update. They both are expense free unlike a CS agent that handles the call and needs to be paid. But those two primary methods are a butt of all jokes and useless in its current form.

    Objective: Improve the quality of USCIS online status by integrating it with monthly processing time update. Any case which is beyond processing time frame should get atleast one qualitative and progressive update every month. Institute a system to track the lifecycle of a case. The lifecycle starts from entry of a petition/application into USCIS system and ends with either approval/denial.


    1> provides a great deal of transparency to the system. Due to the improved transparency, efficiency becomes a part of the process.

    2> Reduce the traffic in USCIS phone lines thereby reliving $$$ from customer service.

    3> Reduce Infopass appointments thereby relieving maintenance $$$ from that system.
    Officers who deal with Infopass can spend their time productively.

    4> Reduce SR. Saves Immigrants $$$ and relieves USCIS resources who are handling SR request.

    5> This improvement is not temporary and will keep yielding rewards as long as the USCIS is in the business of receiving/processing/adjudicating immigration petitions.


    1> USCIS needs to shell out a good $$$$ to tighten up their IT system, gather info from systems, integrate the online reporting tool with their monthly processing time update.

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  • Green.Tech
    06-10 05:35 PM
    We got the multiple EAD's, now we need these 3 bills to go through!


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  • satyasrd
    01-10 01:15 PM
    I am surprised that this is not getting as much attention as it should.

    IV Team, is there anything we should do to work towards this ?


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  • peer123
    06-13 11:18 PM
    Well it is worse than you thought.

    People who haven't even started their green card process yet can buy a labor from any bodyshop, use it to file their 140 and 485 concurrently and get a foothold in the great american GC mela. Howzaat.

    I am not negative if I say --- most IV member want to change job--- frustration with status co may be... --- feeling exploited... --- may be....


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  • gc__aspirant
    05-17 12:44 PM
    My i485 app was received by uscis (NSC) on 04/25, notice date 04/27. I got fingerprinting notice on may 14th to have it done on may 23 (me) and may 24(my spouse).

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  • needhelp!
    04-16 02:45 PM
    and I completed 10 rounds probably 1.5 miles.. So you know I was going rrreeeaaaally slow. (but it was good enough for me)


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  • Mr. Brown
    09-29 04:39 PM
    This post should be in a very prominent place (like About Us etc.) on this website.

    The poster has not only made it abundantly clear about the reason for IV's existence but also made it plenty clear about what they have done and more importantly learnt in the past 5 years.

    I have been visiting this site on/off for the past couple years and didn't know half of it.

    We are spinning in circles here and it is like reinventing the wheel. This is THE grassroots org �THAT you want to set-up. already set up to achieve exactly that � YES, YES �We want Congress to introduce a bill to reduce backlogs. The core goal of IV is to have a bill that has our provisions. That is exactly what this organization was set up to achieve. You seem to be a newcomer to this struggle. Have you followed IV from 2005 Dec when a buch of members got together on some other forums and watched helplessly as good provisions (that were meant to allievate our troubles) were taken out at the last minute from a bill during debate.
    Since then we have tried and tried and frankly have matured enough to understand that the politics of the immigration issue is complex and any standalone bill �just for us- has no chance.

    Our provisions have to be clubbed with all the rest of the minor and major groups � that want reform. There is the nurses lobby, the doctors, the illegal lobby, the dream activists, and many other fringe groups, they all want their issues to be addressed. The anti-immigrants are a big opposition to any small relief that comes up in debate. NOW- We have learnt that we need to work with all these groups, form alliances and lobby hard to get a bill that has more support.

    If you go meet with your lawmakers you will understand that our issue is a miniscule little piece of a bigger issue of Immigration. And different varying and sometimes opposing groups have to be accommodated. The politics of immigration is convulted with different factions of the society wanting different things � Our little issue is straightforward and we enjoy a lot more support for our provisions, unfortunately we were clearly told that we have to be clubbed with these other groups when it comes to seeking a bill for reform. We are being held hostage also by the Hispanic lobbyists, that feel that if smaller bills come up and are passed, there will be no apetite for their bigger issue of legalizing a big core of mostly Hispanic illegal immigrants.

    FOR A RECAP- after this administration came into office �Jan 09- We had hopes and were promised that CIR (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) will be taken up, if that fails then smaller bills will be allowed to be taken up. If you have watched the developments carefully �There was never a time and a lot of groups including IV lobbied and lobbied hard to be heard and to get a bill but- the legislative calendar with so much other priorities had no space for any immigration bill this year. After the healthcare bill, Nobody has had any energy for a big controversial bill.

    Long story-short is YES, we want a bill (either clubbed with others) or amendments inserted into a bill- But have not been able to get it done.

    The reason for this failure is us- IV Members. We have not met our lawmakers in the numbers that are important to make an impact. We have to do it every month- building pressure to get a positive sympathetic response. Now some members (including yours truly) have gone and met our respective lawmakers more than 6-8 times in the last year, but that is again not enough, that is just 20-25 odd members compared to total IV Strength of 40,000members. It has to be an ongoing effort, just like the dream activisits have done, they meet with lawmakers regularly, highlight their frustrations and are open to media �giving interviews and keeping their issue alive in the limelight.

    IV has come up with specific recommendations for what we would like to see in a bill/s for our community. IV actively analyses any bill that comes up or has a chance to come up for debate. If you want to get your hands on that document, contact Anu or Pappu and ask for the IV_Advocacy package.

    We do have a paid lobbying firm that represent our interests and educates lawmakers. This is not enough, because during debates lawmakers behave as if they do not have highly skilled immigrants in their constituency and so do not have to pay attention. This is mainly IV members fault, since we have not been able to visit lawmakers offices in the numbers that we should. Our members need to show up at lawmakers offices and educate them. Tell them you live in their constituency and represent IV so that when the lobbying firm does their work, they are paying attention and our voices are not ignored or drowned.

    Individual members need to be open, honest, and courageous enough to talk to their lawmakers and media about issues we face. Just crying and debating on IV's website does not help. Talk about introducing a bill for us to your lawmakers � not here on IV.

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  • pappu
    12-13 03:29 PM
    Administrators/Super moderators,

    Can you please send an email to all members the content of the sticky?

    Thank you.

    we send emails to members as a newsletter and will include this as action item. However we do not want to spam our members every now and then. we also want our members to update their details at this time so that we can reach out to them. only few members actually updated their information till now.

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  • BharatPremi
    10-14 10:55 PM
    Has somebody ever wondered if EB limit is 140000 why the heck USCIS is allowed to accept millions of applications at the first place?

    Can we sue USCIS for that?

    05-26 05:03 PM
    Applied EAD/AP for myself on 04/26

    AP approved : 05/10
    RFE on EAD for Photographs :05/10
    Photos submitted.
    EAD Approved on: 05/24

    Additionally i received FP, prolly for I-485 its been few years most likely they are expired. not sure what they do with finger prints when they do immigration at the airport. they shud prolly use that..which will save some time and cost for USCIS and pain for us.

    njoy the ride..


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